Biology Life Cycle and Characterization of Cedar Moth Insect (Dichelia cedricola) on Lebanese Cedar Trees (Cedrus libani) at The Cedar and Fir Reserve, Slenfeh, Syria Hasan, M. Ali, A. Ramadan and O. Merhej (SYRIA) Pages 263-268 Studies on Nutrition, Utilization and Hosts Preference of Feeding Fall Armyworm Larvae, Spodoptera frugiperda on Some Vegetable
Biology Study of the Biology of the Cochineal Scale Insect, Dactylopius opuntiae Alhousa, A.N. Basheer and Z. El-Naser (SYRIA) Pages 143-148 Diapause Termination of Eggs of Silkworm, Bombyx mori Using Hydrochloric Acid and its Effect on the Insect’s Biological Characteristics Okasha, A. Arab and H. Al-Roz (SYRIA) Pages 149-154 The Effect
Etiology Characterization of Two Local Isolates of the Fungus Verticillium dahliae that Causes Vascular Olive Wilt, and the Reaction of Olive Cultivar Khudairi to Infection with this Pathogen K.A. Muhrez and B. Barhoum (SYRIA) Pages 1-8 First Record of Passalora Blight Caused by Passalora malkoffii on Anise Crop in Syria R.N. Youssef, R.N.,
Survey The Status of Wheat Stem Rust in Syria During the Period 2018-2021 Kassem (SYRIA) Pages 339-347 First Record of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici That Infects Tomato along the Coastal Region of Syria Haydar, L. Michy, N. Ali, M. E. Khreibeh, I. Allaf and M.Z. Taweel (SYRIA & FRANCE) Pages 348-352
Ecology The Effect of the Hight of the Pheromone Traps Type Delta in Trapping and Forecasting the Emergence of the Lesser Date Moth, Batrachedra amydraula Meyrick and Evaluating the Sensitivity of Some Palm Varieties to Insect Injury M.H.A. El-Filahy, and M.Sh. Mansour (IRAQ) Pages 226-232 Some Biological and Ecological Factors of Olive Moth,
Ecology Seasonal Distribution and Food Preference of the Peach Fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) on Different Types of Citrus Fruit Trees in Baghdad Governorate R.F. Al-Jassani and A.H. Abou Rgheef (IRAQ). Pages 93-97 Seasonal Activity of Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and Ceratitis capitata in a Navel Orange Orchard in Dakahlia, Egypt A.H. El-Afify, R.M. Shreef, M.A.
Biology Relative Feeding Potential and Biology of Fall Armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda Fed on Different Host Plants M.I. Ullah, M. Arshad, W. Ahmed, N. Altaf, A. Arroj and M. Afzal (PAKISTAN) Pages 1-7 Survey Survey of Citrus Nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans Causing Citrus Slow Decline in Karbala Province of Iraq W.J.A. Jabbar and E.M. Abedulridah
ECOLOGY Study of Some Species of the Genus Gymnosporangium and its Host Plant Families in Al-Kadmous Region, Syria Ghazal and A. Shaheen (SYRIA) Pages 286-292 ETIOLOGY Infection and Egg Development of the Root-Knot Nematode Meloidogyne javanica on Oleander Nerium oleander R.M. Adel and F.K. Aljuboori (IRAQ) Pages 293-298 EPIDEMIOLOGY Prediction of
Abstracts Book 13th Arab Congress of Plant Protection
ECOLOGY Study of the Factors Affecting Infestation Rate with Olive Moth Prays oleae (Bernard, 1788) in Three Olive Growing Locations Along the Syrian Coast Y. Wassouf, A.N. Bashir and Gh. Ibrahim (SYRIA) Pages 193-200 Epidemiology Flying Activity and Seasonal Abundance of Carob Moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller and its Population Dynamics on Different Hosts in
ECOLOGY Susceptibility of Apple Varieties to Tetranychus urticae Koch and Panonychus ulmi Koch and its Relation to the Nutrient Contents and Spider Mite Predators in Apple Trees J. El-Abdallah, M. Muflih and L.H. Aslan (SYRIA) Pages 119-126 NATURAL ENEMIES Survey and Identification of Some Eulophid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera) of Tomato Leaf Miner (Tuta absoluta) (Lepidoptera:
ECOLOGY Effect of Different Types of Iraqi Soils and Burial Depths of the Larvae and Pupae on the Adult Emergence Rate of the Mediterranean Fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), Under Laboratory Conditions S.O. Khlaywi, A.F. Abbas, S. Abd-Elhadi and A.K. Hussein (IRAQ) Pages 1-6 SURVEY Investigation on the Spread of the Spanish Strain of
ECOLOGY Identification of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris Physiological Races in Chickpea Cultivated Areas in Al-Ghab Region, Syria L. Alloush, S. Al-Maghribi and B. Barhom (SYRIA) Pages 231-240 LOSS ASSESSMENT The Effect of Whiteflies on Productivity and Boll Weight of Cotton “Aleppo 118” Variety in Aleppo Governorate Z. Al-Eisa, M.N. El-Salti, M. El-Nabhan and
ECOLOGY Overwintering and Alternative Hosts of Dust Mites Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) on Date Palm in Iraq H.M. Hussein and S.J.S. Aldahwi (IRAQ) Pages 173-180 PLANT EXTRACTS The Integrated Effect Between Low Doses of Herbicide Glyphosate and Plant Extracts in Management of Carrot Crop Daucus carota L. var. sativa Weeds A. Alyousef, G. Ibrahim and
CONTROL A Study on Watermelon Wilt Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis and Macrophomina phaseolina and its Control N.K.A. Al-Khazraji and S.M. Ismaeel (IRAQ) Pages 85-95 HOST RESISTANCE Evaluation of Some Molecular Resistance Markers of the Wheat Cultivars for Control of Head Blight Disease Caused by Fusarium graminearum in Salah Aldin Province, Iraq
Survey Races Identification of Wheat Rusts in Syria during the 2019 Growing Season Sh. Kharouf, Sh. Hamzeh and M.F. Azmeh (SYRIA) Pages 1-13 Survey of Parasitic Nematode Genera Associated with Grapevine Roots in Sweida Governorate, Syria S.M. Al-Halabi and K. Al-Assas (SYRIA) Pages 14-21 Plant Extracts Effect of Plant Extracts of Withania somnifera
Review Paper: Biotechnology Biosynthesis of nanoparticles and their applications for the control of agricultural pests: A review. M.T. Alloosh (SYRIA) Pages 267-280 Biology Morphological characteristics of the flat-headed tree borer Sphenoptera servistana Obenberger, 1929 life stages in the habitat of stone fruit orchards in central Iraq M.Z. Khalaf and I.J. Al-Jboory (IRAQ) Pages 281-288
Survey Survey and genetic variation among Botrytis cinerea isolates collected from protected crops along the Syrian Coast L.S. Dibeh, O. Hammodi and A.M. Mouhanna (SYRIA) Pages 187-199 Preliminary survey of some rust fungi (Uredinales) and their host plants at Al-Kadmous Region, Syria I. Ghazal and A. Shaheen (SYRIA) Pages 200-207 Ecology Pathogenicity development
HOST RESISTANCE Developing an artificial inoculation technique for screening chickpea genotypes against a Syrian isolate of Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus N. Asaad, S.G. Kumari, A.A. Haj-Kassem, S. Al-Chaabi and A. Arab (SYRIA & LEBANON) Pages 103-114 Role of organic acids in chickpea plant resistance to leaf miner, Liriomyza cicerina Rondani L. Ali, A.N. Trissi,
ECOLOGY The influence of some environmental factors on the biological performance of the Eucalyptus gall wasp, Ophelimus maskelli (Ashmead) on the leaves of Eucalyptus camaldulensis under field conditions in Kerbala, Iraq T.M.M. Al-Sweedi, Z.A.M. Al-Tememe, A.A. Lahouf and A.T. Al-Amiri (SYRIA) Pages 1-9 Biology Effect of some okra genotypes on spiny bollworm Earias insulana
ECOLOGY Genetic variability between Fusarium spp. isolates collected from Solanacious plants in Syria with emphasis on F. oxysporum infecting tomato A.M. Mouhanna, O.N. Hamoudi, M.M. Mofleh and H.S. Barhoum (SYRIA) Pages 293-302 Population dynamics of Dionconotus neglectus neglectus (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Miridae) on onion in Syria A.Y. Ali, A. Ahmed, J. Ammar and R. Darwish
ECOLOGY Effect of some climate parameters on the population density of olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi, 1790) in Tartous Governorate, Syria R. Darwish, D. Nammour and A.Y. Ali (SYRIA) Pages 213-222 ETIOLOGY Characterization of three new strains of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus in Iraq Characterization of three new strains of Tomato yellow
Proceedings of an International Meeting: Innovative and Sustainable Approaches for the Control of Red Palm Weevil CIHEAM, Bari-Italy, 23-25 October 2018 Organized by CIHEAM Bari and FAO of the UN SURVEY Automatic localization of phoenix by satellite image analysis R. Cousin and M. Ferry (Spain) Pages 83-88 QUARANTINE Is policy paralysis on quarantine issues
BIOLOGY Biological aspects of the scarabid beetle Maladera insanabilis (Brenske) and its population density. R.F. Al-Jassany and A.B. Al-Juboory (IRAQ) Pages 1-10 BIOLOGY Indexing of three Citrus tristeza virus isolates from the coastal region of Syria. I.H. Akel R. Hamdan, A. El-Khatib and I.D. Ismail (SYRIA) Pages 11-21 SURVEY Survey and identification of
BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Role of entomopathogenic fungi in controlling agricultural pests A.N. Trissi, B. Bayaa and M. El Bouhssini (SYRIA & MOROCCO) Pages 176-191 Biocontrol of the cladosporic spot in the eggplant plant caused by the fungus Cladosporium cladosporioides Abdulnabi A.A. Matrood Pages 192-198 The pathogenicity of the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuil. on
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Study of life table of Cydia pomonella L. at different Constant temperatures under laboratory conditions S.I. Elhaj, A.N. Bashir and L. Aslan (SYRIA) Pages 86-93 First record of pear lace bug Stephanitis pyri (F. 1775) on narrowleaf firethorn shrubs Pyracantha angustifolia (Franch.) C.K. Schneid. in Syria N. Diab, E. Al-Jouri, N. Daher-Hjai
NATURAL ENEMIES Beauveria bassiana Virulence of two Local Isolates of the Fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsmo) to the Pre-Pupae and Adults of the Olive Fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) A.F. El-Habib, D.H. Nammour and A.Y. Ali (SYRIA) Pages 1-7 Population Dynamics of the Phytophagous Mites’ Predators in Lemon Orchards in Lattakia Governorate, Syria S. Korhayli,
Editorial Board, AJPP BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Susceptibility of different stages of the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) to the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuil. under laboratory conditions M. Ahmad, I. Gazal and L. Rajab (SYRIA) Pages 131-138 Effect of some Rhizobacteria species on phenol contents andphotosynthesis pigments in tomato plants inoculated with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) R.M. Al
Abstracts of the 12th Arab Congress of Plant Protection Hurghada, Egypt, 4-10 November 2017
Editorial Board, AJPP BIODIVERSITY Genetic diversity of tomato leaf miner using RAPD molecular markers. F. Khatib, A.N. Trissi, Z. Aleisa and M. El-Bouhssini (SYRIA & MOROCCO) Pages 49-57 BIOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT Effect of four strains of plant growth promoting rhizobacter (PGPR) for peroxidase enzyme activity and growth of the tomato plants under greenhouse conditions. H.
Editorial Board, AJPP Biological Control Efficacy of a local isolate of Beauvaria bassiana (Bals.) Vuil. on the mortality of tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta Meyrick) larvae M. Ahmed, I. Ghazal, L. Rajab and A. Haj Hasan (SYRIA) Pages 1-5 Evaluation of efficacy of four bacterial strains of plant growth promoting rhizobacter to induce systemic resistance against Cucumber mosaic
REVIEW PAPER: BENEFICIAL INSECTS A review of most common honey bee viruses worldwide: part II. S. Barhoom, H.A. El-Roz and A.M. Mouhanna (SYRIA) Pages 156-166 NATURAL ENEMIES Survey of fruit fly species and their associated parasitoids on some Asteraceae weeds in southern Syria. A.N. Bashir, L. Aslan, G. Ibrahim and F. Abdel-Razzak (SYRIA) Pages
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Field studies on the black-veined white butterfly, Aporia crataegi (L.) infesting almonds in Syria A. Shlalo and W. Kassis (SYRIA) Pages 71-81 Biological study of almond butterfly Aporia crataegi in central Syria A. Shlalo and W. Kassis (SYRIA) Pages 82-94 Influence of host fruit species of medfly Ceratitis capitata on the
EPIDEMIOLOGY Determination of some virulent and epidemic factors related to wheat Septoria leaf blotch. A Abdel Ghani, M. Abou Shaar and M. Kasem (SYRIA) Pages 1-9 SURVEY A survey for some viruses affecting potato in Syria, and serological detection of main strains of Potato virus Y. S. Al-Chaabi, A. R. Darwesh, F. Ismaeil, J. Mando and
ECOLOGY, ETIOLOGY Dynamics and diversity of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in some fruit orchards in Syria Y.A. Ali, I. Rapuzzi, A. Ahmad, J. Ammar and R. Darwish (SYRIA & ITALY) Pages 241-247 First record on identification and population dynamics of the false spider mite Brevipalpus californicus (Banks), in lemon orchards in Lattakia governorate of Syria S.
REVIEW PAPER The Journal and publications of the Arab Society for Plant Protection are a leading initiative in scientific writing in the Arabic language. Bayaa, K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari (LEBANON & SYRIA) Pages 97-106 ECOLOGY, ETIOLOGY Effect of low temperatures on the activity of the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabdites bacteriophora Poinar in Vitro M.H. Al-Zainab and R.U. Ehlers (SYRIA
REVIEW PAPER Advances in using genetic transformation to produce apple cultivars and rootstocks (Malus domestica Borkh.) resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases: a scientific review. N.M. Ali Bacha, M. Battha, A.M. Abdul Kader and F. Hassan (SYRIA & GERMANY) Page 1-35 BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Effect of Citrus tristeza virus infection on growth of Balady common orange and Satsuma trees in
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Field study of some biological characteristics of the Dubas Bugg Ommattissus lybicus De. Bergevin in Aljalla date palm Oasis in Al-Bokamal city in Syria. A. Basheer, H. Bilal and H.A. Ali (SYRIA) Pages 193-200 Survey and description of introduced Eucalyptus, and periods of its use as a source of pollen and nectar for honey bees, in Sweida, south
ECOLOGY Sugar constituents of flowers nectar of some cultivated medicinal plants and compared with honey in its effect on longevity and fertility of sunn pest egg parasitoid Trissolcus grandis Thomson W. Dawalibi, M. El Bouhssini, N. Kaaka and S. Khoja (Syria & Morocco) Pages 103-108 Relationship between fig tree trunk diameter and infestation with the stem borer Batocera
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Impact of temperature on some biological aspects of the diamond back moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) under laboratory conditions J.A. Ibrahim, A.N. Bashir and L.A. Aslan (Syria) Pages 1-7 Effect of temperature on some biological parameters of the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F) in the laboratory A. Basheer, H. Bilal and A. Saleh (Syria) Pages 8-15 Detection of some
TAXONOMY Effect of sub-lethal concentrations of the insecticides buprofezin and lufenuron on some nutritional parameters of cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) N.M. Mallah (Iraq) Pages 193-199 CHARACTERIZATION Molecular characterization of some Syrian isolates of Tomato mosaic virus F. Ismaeil, A.A. Haj Kasem, S. Al-Chaabi and A. Abdulkader (Syria) Pages 200-207 METHODOLOGY Improve the efficiency of aphids to screen
TAXONOMY Identification of some Lixus spp. (Curculionidae) on sugar beet in the central region of Syria. W.M. Al-Ahmed and F. Al-Jamly (Syria) Pages 99-104 BIOLOGY Impact of temperature on some biological parameters of Zeuzera pyrina L. under laboratory conditions J.A. Ibrahim, A.M. Basher and L.H. Aslan (Syria) Pages 105-114 Biological characteristics of Chrysoperla carnea Steph. fed on two prey hosts under
ETIOLOGY, BIOLOGY Review study for the most prevalent honey bee viruses in the World. A.M. Mouhanna and M. Alhaj Omer (Syria) Pages 1-9 Isolation and identification of fungi associated with wheat black point disease under different storage methods in Syria. A. Daher and B. Bayaa (Syria) Pages 10-15 Effect of some insect products, concentration and treatment
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, ETIOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY Distribution of Life Stages of Leopard Moth Zeuzera pyrina L. in Apple Orchards in Lattakia Governorate, Syria. A.M. Basher, L.H. Aslan and J.A. Ibrahim (Syria) Pages 145-152 Some Biological Characteristics of Sunn pest Eurygaster integriceps Puton in Northern Syria. M. Abdulhai, G. Mustafa, M. El Bouhssini, M.N. Al Salti and A.N. Trissi (Syria) Pages 153-156
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY Determination of Anastomosis Groups within Population of Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn in Potato in Syria. R.H. Abdo, B. Bayaa and A. Abbas (Syria) Pages 1-10 The Role of Some Fungal Isolates Associated with Green Color Lint Seeds on Stimulating Emergence of Cotton Seedlings M.M.B. Younus, M.A. Al-Hamdany, S.N. Abdul-Wahab and I. Abas (Iraq) Pages
Ecology, Etiology, Biology Study on Reproduction and Development of Olive Tree Psylla Euphyllura olivina Costa (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) Under Different Plantation Types A. Dibo and M. Ksantini (Tunisia) Pages 141-148 Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Causing Potato Scab in Syria Kh. Al Taweel, T. Aasar and M. Ghanam (Syria) pages 149-157 Studies on Host Preference and Oviposition Behaviour
Ecology, Etiology, Biology Effect of Some Environmental Factors on Charcoal Rot Disease of Sunflower Caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. M.A. Fayadh, H.J. Al-Tememi and L.A. Bnein (Iraq) Pages 1-6 Role of Chalara radicicola in Date Palm Trees Decline M.A. Al-Hamdany, H.Y. Jaber, A.H. Kadhem and J.A. Sabar (Iraq) Pages 118-121 Effect of Aspergillus flavus Metabolites on Wheat Seed Germination and Seedlings
ECOLOGY Life Cycle of Cereal Cyst Nematode Heterodera avenaeWollenweber, 1924 on Wheat Crop in Al-Hassakah Governorate, North East Syria . G.A. Hassan, Kh. Al-Assas and M. Jamal ( Syria ) Pages 101-106 A Study on Wild Bees as Pollinators of Weeds and Herbal Medicinal Plants in Matija Region , Algeria L. Bendifallah, K. Louadi and S.E.
ECOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY Genetic Variation Among Sunn Pest Eurygaster integriceps Put. Populations in Some Countries of West and Central Asia L. Ali, M. El Bouhssini, S. Udupa, M. Baum and M. Nayef Al-Salti (SYRIA) Pages 1-8 Survey for Common Smut Prevalence on Maize in Syria , and Evaluation of Pathogenicity of some Ustilago maydis DC Corda Isolates R. Baghdadi,
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY, ETIOLOGY Morphological and Biological Study of the Coccinellid Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a Predator of Powdery Mildew . Ahmad, G. Younes and N. Ali (SYRIA) Pages 111-117 The Effect of Pear Variety, Direction and Some Other Environmental Factors on Egg Laying of the Lace Pear Bugs Stephanitis pyri (F.) (Tingidae: Hemiptera). N.M. Al-Mallah and A.K.
Supplement, Abstract Book of the 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY Biology and Chemical Control of the Old World Bug (Doubas bug) Ommatissus l ybicus DeBerg on Date Palm Trees in the Coastal Areas of Hadramout Governorate, Republic of Yemen S.A. Ba-Angood, A.S. Al-Ghurabi and M.A. Hubaishan ( Yemen ) Pages 1-9 The Effect of Temperature on Some Biological Characteristics of Trissolcus vassilievi Mayer, an Egg Parasitoid of Sunn Pest ( Eurygaster
ECOLOGY, BIOLOGY Study of Date Palm Leaf Spots Disease in Basrah and Effect of Some Factors (Age of Palm, Wax Content) on Infection. M.A. Fayad and A.O. Mania (IRAQ) Pages 81-88 The Economic Importance of the Shoot Fly, Atherigona soccat Rondani on Sorghum in Iraq. H.H. Al-Karboli and A.I. Al- Nakhli (IRAQ & YEMEN) Pages
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, EPIDEMIOLOGY Biological and Ecological Studies on the ParasitoidDolichogenidea trachalus (Nixon) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Collected from the Olive Moth (Jasmine Moth) Palpita unionalisHübner (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in Syria. M.S. Lababidi and D. Haj Hammoud (SYRIA) Pages 1-6 The Effect of Some Chemical Components of Sap and Heart wood of Some Forest Trees on Termite PreferenceMicrocerotermes diversus Silv. (Isoptra:
SURVEY Field Survey of the Alternaria Tomato Diseases, and Research of Resistant Genitic Resources in Syria. O. Atik, A. El-Ahmed, M. Abou-Shaar and M. Yabrak (Syria). Pages 129-137 BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY The Effect of Temperature on Some Biological Aspects of the Southern Cowpea Weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) K.S. Mahmood and T.M. Salih (Libya) Pages 138-141 Seasonal Presence of Wax Scale Ceroplastes
SURVEY The Occurrence of Barley yellow dwarf viruses on Cereal Crops and Wild Grasses in Syria. A. Ansi, S.G. Kumari, A. Haj Kasem, K.M. Makkouk and I. Muharram (SYRIA & Yemen) Pages 1-9 CONTROL Sensitivity of Some Stages of Phthorimae opercullela (Zeller) to Gamma Rays. A.A. Al-Taweel, H.K. Al-Ubaidy and H.S. Al-Asaady (IRAQ) Pages 10-14
BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY The Effects of Host Plants and Prey Stage on Feeding Behaviour and Feeding time of the Whitefly Predator Serangium parcesetosum Sicard (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) R. Abboud and M. Ahmad (SYRIA) Pages 61-66 Variation of Cultural and Morphological Characteristics in Fusarium spp. Causal Agents of Common Root Rot Disease on Wheat in Syria M. El-Khalifeh,
ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Causing Black Soft Rot Disease in Potato Tubers and its Comparison with Erwinia carotovora spp. carotovora. S.N.S. El-Ariqi (YEMEN) Pages 1-6 Assessment of Losses in Stored Apple Fruits Caused by Post-harvest Rots in Syria and Detection of their Causal Agents. A. Sidawi, S. Al-Chaaabi and J. Faddoul (SYRIA).
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP ECOLOGY Quality and quantity diversity of aphids and its parasitoids on citrus in Coastal Regional of Syria. N. Abo Kaf (SYRIA) Pages 61-69 The effect of pollen grain alternatives on certain activities of honey bee N.A.S. Al-Gamali, S.K. Dhahir, T. Muhasin Ibrahim and J. Fadhil Wahib (IRAQ) Pages 70-75
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP SURVEY The most important of viruses affecting cucurbits in Syria A.A. Haj Kassem, K. Abdul Halim, O.E.G. Rifai and W. Warrak (SYRIA) Pages 1-6 BIOLOGY Biology of tomato leafminer Liriomyza bryoniae (Kalt.) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) under different temperatures regimes. I.J. Al-Jboory, W.A. Al-Mashhadany and A.A. Ali (IRAQ) Pages 7-13 ECOLOGY Interaction of
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP BIOLOGY Effects of different inoculum levels of Meloidogyne incognita on nematode reproduction and host response of four banana cultivars under greenhouse conditions A.M. Kheir, A.W. Amin, H.H. Hendy and M.S. Mostafa (Egypt) Pages 97-102 Histopathology of sugarcane roots infected with the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus zeae. F.F. Moussa, S.A. Montasser, A.B. Aboul-Sooud, M.M.A.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP REVIEW ARTICLE A Checklist on Nematode- Plant Associations in the Arab Countries W. Abu-Gharbieh and T. Al-Azzeh (JORDAN) Pages 1-22 SURVEY Survey for Apricot, Plum and Apple Trees Viruses in Iraq. H.A. Najim, M.E. El-Muadhidi and K.M. Aysh (IRAQ) Pages 23-28 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Field Efficacy of Three Isolates of Bacillus
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP SURVEYS Detection and Distribution of Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Stone Fruits in Syria. F. Ismaeil, S. Al-Chaabi, A. Myrta and V. Savino (SYRIA & ITALY) Pages 73-78 Dissemination of and Economic damage caused by Charcoal Rot Macrophomima phaseolina (Tassi) Goidanich on Soybean in Iraq. A.I. Abbas, M. El-Muadhidi and
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Effect of Soil Moisture Content and Thermal Treatment on the Activity of Bioagent Fungi Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson on Some Tomato Plant Growth Parameters. Z.A. Stephan, I. M. Jbara and F.A. Al-Rawi (IRAQ) Pages 1-5 Radiosensitivety and Induced Sexual Sterility of Corn Stem Borer, Sesamia cretica Led. Â (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera): 3 – Pupal Irradiation
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP CONTROL Efficacy of Water and Alcoholic Leaf Extracts of Ibicella lutea(Stapf.) on Different Stages of Corn Stalk Borer (Sesamia creticaLed.) N.K. Al-Tememi, H.F. Al-Rubiea and S.F. Mohamed (IRAQ) Pages 65-69 BIOLOGICAL CONTROL Efficiency of Some Fungi and Bacteria in Biological Control of Root- Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne javanica on Tomato. H.M. Saleh, F.A. Fattah, R.A.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP CONTROL Efficacy of Fenamiphos, Trichoderma harzianumm, Paecilomyces lilacinus and Some Organic Soil Amendments in the Control of Root-Knot and Root-Rot/Wilt Disease Complex of Eggplant. Z.A. Stephan, M.S. Hassan and I.K. Hassoon (IRAQ) Pages 1-5 Control of Potato Black Scurf Disease (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Using Some Isolates of Trichoderma koningii Oudem. or Tolclofos methyl. S.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP ETIOLOGY Serological Relationship Between Suaeda Witches’ Broom Phytoplasma and those Infecting Some Crops and Weed Plants in Iraq. R.A. Al-Ani, K.F. Al-Fadhil, F.A. Al-Rawi and A.N. Al-Shamri (IRAQ) Pages 59-64 Pea Enation Mosaic Virus-1 Infecting Lentil in Syria, and Further Information on its Host Range, Purification, Serology and Transmission Characteristics.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP DIAGNOSIS Histological Methods for Detection and Monitoring Distribution of Phytoplasmas in Some Crops and Weed Plants in Central Iraq. A.F. Al-Rawi, F.K. Al-Fadhil and R.A. Al-Ani (IRAQ) Pages 3-11 HOST RESISTANC Response of Some Bread Wheat Genotypes to Stripe Rust Disease Caused by Puccinia striiformis West f. sp. tritici in Iraq. E.M. Al-Maaroof,
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP CONTROL Effect of Certain Insecticides and their Mixtures with Local Mineral Oil on Green Peach Aphid (Myzus persicae Sulz.) and the Indidence of Virus Diseases on Potatoes. A.A. Abdul-Sattar and M.M. Jarjees (IRAQ) Pages 57-63 Effect of Melia azedarach (L.) (Meliaceae) Fruit Extracts on Sitona crinitus (H.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Adults Feeding. M. El Damir,
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP SURVEY A Survey of Rhizomania Disease on Sugar Beet and Performance of Monoembryonic Cultivars to BNYVV Infection in Syria. S. Al-Chaabi, F. Esmael, J. Mando, A. Darwesh, S. Numan, L. Matrod, and S. Al-Arabi (SYRIA) Pages 1-8 A Field Survey of Wheat Seed Gall Nematode (Anguina tritici) in Aleppo and
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOLOGY Determination of Primary Sources of Infection of Septoria Leaf Blotch on Wheat in Syria. H. Obaedo, O.F. Mamluk and B. Bayaa (SYRIA) Pages 49-59 A Study on Population Dynamics of Citrus Leaf Miner (Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton) and its Parasitoides. N. Alkhateeb, A. Raie, K. Gazal, F. Shamseen and
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP CONTROL Effect of IGI Match on Maize Stalk Borer Sesamai cretica Led. (Lepidoptera : Phalaenidae) Under Laboratory and Field Conditions. A.M. Tariq, I.J. Al-Jjboory, A.S. Ali and M.A. Al-Izzi (IRAQ) Pages 1-8 Mechanical Control Studies of the Pistachio Bark Beetle Hylesinus vestitus M.&R. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in Syria M.S. Lababidi (SYRIA) Pages 9-16 SURVEY
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP EPIDEMOLOGY, ECOLOGY, BIOLOGY Impact of Planting Date on Aphids Population and Associated Natural Enemies on Faba Bean Plants in Egypt. A. El-Heneidy, G. Resk, A.M. Hekal and S. Abdel-Samad (EGYPT) Pages 55-59 Effect of land leveling on Chilo Agamemnon Blesz., Infestation in Sugar-Cane Fields of Middle Egypt G.A. Karaman, A. Ghareb,
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP BIOLOGY Effect of Feeding the Ladybeetle Coccinella undecimpunctata aegyptiaca Reiche. on Different Aphid Species on Fecundity and Longevity of the Adult Stage. G. Karaman, M. Makady, F. Ali and S. Hamouda (EGYPT) Pages 3-6 The Physiological Races of Wheat Yellow Rust Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici in Syria During the Period 1994-1996. M.S. Hakim and A.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP CONTROL Root of Soybean (Glycine max) as Affected by Population Densities, Fertilizer, Weed Control and their Interference, B.A.K. Al-Juboory and H.R. Lathith (IRAQ) Pages 51-56 Impaction-Sticky Colour Traps: An Environment-Friendly Technology for Pistachio Psyllid Control in Syria M.S. Lababidi (SYRIA) Pages 57-64 Antagonistic Effects of Bacillus spp. against the Casual Organism
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP EPIDEMIOLOGY Evaluation of the sensitivity of Venturia inaequalis isolates of fungicides used in Lebanon. El-Arab and Y. Abou-Jawdah (LEBANON) Pages 3-9 ECOLOGY Effect of different rates of nitrogenous fertilization and irrigation on population density of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae) on two ornamental plants. A.A. Almaicoshi, Y.N. Aldryhim and A. Alsuhaibani (SAUDI ARABIA) Pages
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP TECHNIQUES Evaluation of three trap types in trapping olive fruit fly Bactrocera (Dacus) oleae. W. Khater, A. Traboulsi and S. El-Haj (LEBANON) Pages 67-73 Effect of three antitransparent films on Botrytis cinerea activities in vitro B. Nasraoui, A. Barbier and P. Lepoivre (TUNISIA & BELGIUM) Pages 98-101 HOST RESISTANCE A new
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP TECHNIQUES Detection of ten viruses by the tissue- blot immunoassay (TBIA). K.M. Makkouk and S.G. Kumari (SYRIA) Pages 3-9 HOST RESISTANCE Response of different cultivars of cucurbit species to an isolate of zucchini yellow mosaic potyvirus (ZYMV). M.A. Al-Saleh and I.M. Al-Shahwan (SAUDI ARABIA) Pages 10-14 Screening of some
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Preliminary study on the pistachio psyllid (Agonoscena targioniiLicht.) (Psyllidae: Homoptera) and its associated natural enemies in some regions of Syria. M.S. Lababidi and C.P. Zebitz (SYRIA & GERMANY) Pages 62-68 The genus Cuscuts in Algeria. N. Zerman and A.R. Saghir (ALGERIA & UAE) Pages 69-75 Occurrence and virulence of wheat
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Parasitization of Black Bean Aphid Population Aphids fabaeScop. (Aphididae: Homoptera) on their Winter Host Plant Z. Chikh-Khamis (SYRIA)) Pages 5-9 Effect of Culture Medium and Activity of Toxins Produced by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. albedinis, Causal Agent of Bayoud Disease. R. El-Fakhouri, My.H. Sedra and H.B. Lazrek (MOROCCO) Pages 10-13 Economic Importance
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Evaluation different methods for screening lentil germplasm for resistance to lentil wilt caused by F. oxysporum f.sp. lentis. B. Bayaa, W. Erskine and A. Abbas (SYRIA) Pages 83-91 Some biological characterizations of Spilocaea oleagina the causal agent of olive leaf spot A. Guecgi and A. Walid (ALGERIA & SYRIA) Pages 92-98 Citrus
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS The Allopathic effects of plant residues on some weed plants B.A. Al-Juboory and M.M. Ahmad (IRAQ) Pages 3-11 Survey of virus diseases of wild and cultivated legumes in the coastal region of Syria. A.M. Mouhanna, K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail (SYRIA) Pages 12-19 Diagnosis of boron deficiency
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Identification of diseases affecting pine seedlings and trees northern Syria and their potential casual agents. M. Bellar and B. Bayaa (SYRIA) Pages 58-65 Effect of elevated temperature on the growth and reproduction of cowpea weevil Collosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its use as a factor to reduce their
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Effect of photoperiod on the biology of different stages of the cotton leaf-worm, Spodoptera littoralis (BOISD.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). S.I. El Sharif, E.A. Nasr and N.A.A. Badr (EGYPT) Pages 3-7 Effect of cooling on certain biological aspects of the different stages of the cotton leaf-worm, Spodoptera littoralis (BOISD.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). S.I. El
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Verticillium wilt of olive and the effects of variety, age, of trees and other agricultural practices on disease development in middle and northern Syria M. El Ahmad, M.N. Moselli and A. Doksi (SYRIA) Pages 131-139 Investigation on the behavior of benzimidazile fungicides in olive seedlings after soil
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Survey of seed-borne viruses in barley, lentil and faba bean seeds in Syria K.M. Makkouk, W. Radwan and A. Haj Kassem (SYRIA) Pages 3-8 Economic threshold of infestation with the cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera lottoralis (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in cotton fields in A.R.E. 4- Economic injury levels during the
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP REVIEW ARTICLE Plant protection research in the Arab countries: present status and future perspectives. K.M. Makkouk, B. Abu Garbieh, B. Bayaa and A.R. Saghir (SYRIA, JORDAN, Egypt, UAE) Pages 68-79 RESEARCH PAPERS Dissipation for Fenitrothion (Sumothion) residues on cucumber in protected house. K.A. Al-Azawi, K.M. Al-Adil and A.I. Al-Samariee
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Major Soil-inhabiting predaceous arthropods (insects and Araneida) in different ecosysytems in western region if Saudi Arabia. A.A. Faraj-Allah and M.O. Taher (SAUDI ARABIA) Pages 3-8 Screening of fungicides for control of early blight on tomato. M.H. Abdel-Sattar and N.A. Kassem (YEMEN) Pages 9-13 Chemical control of Pythium debaryanum,
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Wilt and root rot of chickpea in Southern Syria M. El Ahmad and M.N. Mouselli (SYRIA) Pages 60-67 Influence of balanced nitrogen and potassium supply on susceptibility of barley plant to leaf spot disease. A. Taha Sarhan and T. R. Jalal (IRAQ) Pages 68-71 Survey of date
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP RESEARCH PAPERS Preliminary field observations on the ecology and biology of the apricot leaf aphid, Hyalopterus pruni G. (Homoptera: Aphididae) Mousel region-Iraq. M.A. Mohamad and N.M. Al-Mallah (IRAQ) Pages 1-5 Chemical control of cotton damping off in Ninevah province, Iraq. J.M. Ahmed and H.H. Ali (IRAQ) Pages 6-11 Survey of
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP REVIEW ARTICLE Soil sterilization by solar heating in Iraq. M.S. Hasan (IRAQ) Pages 122-125 G.A. Laborious and R. Harnich (GERMANY) Pages 184-189 RESEARCH PAPERS Effect of some fungicides and antagonistic of tomato with leaf mold and early blight in plastic green houses. A.M. Okasha, F.M. Sharif, F.A. Al-Hussein and
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP REVIEW ARTICLE Rodent pests of agriculture and their control in the near east region. J.H. Greaves (UK) Pages 75-82 RESEARCH PAPERS Survey of Alfalfa diseases in the Ghouta of Damascus, Syria (1981, 1982, 1985, 1986) M. Billar (SYRIA) Pages 1-7 A study of morphological forms of Sphacelotheca sorghi in Iraq A.H.
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP Volume 6, Issue 2, December 1988 The effect of certain varieties of wheat and barley on the biology of the laboratory reared first generation of Angoumois grain, Sitotroga cereallela Olivier (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). M.T. Mahdi and S.J.T. El-Najjar (IRAQ) Pages 64-70 Seasonal abundance of leaf rolling aphid, Dysaphis pyri (Boy.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), on apple
Editorial board Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Papers Mites on plum trees in Lebanon. I. A general survey and a diagnostic key. A. Bayan (Lebanon) Pages 1-6 A preliminary study on the role of the fungus Dilophosporaalopecuri and the nematode Anguina tritici in the development of the twist of cereals disease in Iraq. A.S. Al-Bedawy, A. Jawad, R. Shally, A.K.
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Papers The effect of some dust and oil protectants on the biology of cowpea beetle, Callosobruchus maculates F. (Coleoptera: Bruchidea) M. T. Mahdi and R. F. Hamoudi Pages 48-52 Ecological and biological studies on the rose aphid, Macrosiphm rosae (L.) (Homoptera, Aphididae) in Mosul region M. A. Mohamad and N.
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Review Articles An analysis of powdery mildew problems in Libya W. Khan Pages 39-46 A survey of important insects, diseases and other pests affecting almond-tree in Tunisia A. A. Tariki and R. El-Sherif Pages 1-7 Research Papers Susceptibility of maize germplasm to infestation with the greater sugar-cane borer, Sesamia
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Invited Speakers Recent approaches for control of weeds C.L. Foy and R. Jain Pages 136-144 International pathogenicity survey of wheat leaf rust pathogen and sources of resistance M. Boskovic Pages 128-135 Seed transmitted bacterial diseases of cereal: epidemiology and control Sands, D.c., Mizard, V. N. Hall, K. Kim,
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Review Article Storage and distribution of weed management data W. Koch Pages 76-81 Research Papers The distribution of pythium spp. In the soils of irrigated and nonirrigated fields of the west band of Jordan and Gaza strip M.S. Ali-Shtayeh Pages 1-7 The ecological characteristics and natural death and biotic potential
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Papers Studies on potential natural enemies for biological control of some major insect pests in UAE S.A. BA-Angood Pages 56-62 The role of invertebrates on some ecosystems of the Egyptian western desert Esmat M. Hegazi Pages 63-71 Effect of gamma rays and EMS on Alternaria leaf spot
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research The effect of certain synthetic pyrethroids in controlling the whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporiarum Westw.) resistant to organophosphates A.H. Treifi Pages 4-10 The role of aphid natural enemies in regulating population densities of Toxoptera aurantii B.d.F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) on citrus trees in Lebanon M.K. Hussein and N.S. Kawar Pages 11-17 Effects of
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Cucumber cultivation with soil solarization and plastic mulching M.S. Hassan, and M.A. Younis Pages 65-69 Mycotic decline of olive trees in Southern Syria M. Alahmad, and M. Hamidi Pages 70-76 A study of aphids and their natural enemies in Southern Lebanon M.K. Hussein, and N.S. Kawar Pages
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Biological studies on the Citrus flower moth Prays citri Miller in Egypt S.S. Ibrahim and W. Shehateh Pages 4-9 Survey of Ientil diseases in Central and North Syria (1979 – 1980) M. Bellar Pages 10-15 Screening of introduced grain sorghum varieties to infestation by the shootfly Atherigona yorki Deeming and stem
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Al-Wijam diseas of date palm at Saudi Arabia H. Elawsi, N. Jahin and M.A. Nagieb Pages 61-65 The effect of N-forms on Stem Rust disease of wheat seedling A.K. Rowaished Pages 66-69 The spread of Cuscutta on alfalfa in Syria H. Masri, M. Sakluta and O.F.
Editorial board & Sustaining Members of ASPP Research Weeds and weed control in citrus orchards of the southern Lebanese coastal area M. Daou and A.R. Saghir Pages 1-8 Pasture and forage improvment program in Syria and Lebanon O.F.Mamluk, M.Bellar and M.El Naimi Pages 9-12 Updating result on evaluation of the major insects, which infest faba bean,