- Effect of Certain Insecticides and their Mixtures with Local Mineral Oil on Green Peach Aphid (Myzus persicae Sulz.) and the Indidence of Virus Diseases on Potatoes.
A.A. Abdul-Sattar and M.M. Jarjees (IRAQ)
Pages 57-63 - Effect of Melia azedarach (L.) (Meliaceae) Fruit Extracts on Sitona crinitus (H.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Adults Feeding.
M. El Damir, M. El Bouhssini and M. N. Al-Salty (SYRIA)
Pages 64-67
- Effect of Some Pesticides and Leaf Fertilizers on Russeting Phenomenon Incidence of Apple Fruit in South of Syria.
S. Al-Chaabi, Gh. Nabilse, H. Mezher, B. Mezher, K. Shnan and N. Qweder (SYRIA)
Pages 73-81 - A Study on the Effect of Date Palm Dust Mite Oligonychus afrasiaticus (McGregor) (Acarin : Tetranychidae) on the Physiochemical Characters of Three Different Date Varieties in Wadi Hadhramout, Yemen.
S.A. Ba Angood and G .S. Bass’haih (YEMEN)
Pages 82-85
- Studies on Seasonal Activity and Control of Fruit Flies (Dacusspp.) on Mango (Mangifera indica L.) at Faisalabad, Pakistan
Anjum Suhail, M.Razaq and M. Shahid Yazadni (PAKISTAN)
Pages 121-123 - Abstracts Presented in the Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Amman, Jordan, 22-26 October, 2000
Pages 86-120
Symposia Paper Presented in the Seventh Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Amman, Jordan, 22-26 October, 2000
- Integrated Pest Management of Tree Pathogens and Disease Vectors.
Gillian Allard and Teresa Coutinho (ITALY & SOUTH AFRICA)
Pages 124-127 - Control of Insect Pests with Entomopathogenic Viruses.
David Grzywacz (UK)
Pages 128-132 - Control of Insect Pests with Entomopathogenic Fungi.
Bruce L. Parker, Margaret Skinner, Michael Brownbridge and Mustapha El Bouhssini (USA & SYRIA)
Pages 133-138 - Economic Importance and Control/Eradication of Peach Fruit Fly, Bactrocera zonata.
M. Alzubaidy (USA)
Pages 139-142 - Citrus Tristeza: Biology, Potential Impact, and Control Strategies.
Richard F. Lee (USA)
Pages 143-148 - Witches’ Broom Disease of Lime.
J.M. Bove and Monique Garnier (FRANCE)
Pages 148-152