T.M.M. Al-Sweedi
Plant Protection Department, Agriculture College, University of Karbala, Iraq.
Email address of the corresponding author: [email protected]
Received: 8/9/2023; Accepted: 20/7/2024
The Arab Journal of Plant Protection (AJPP) is published by the Arab Society for Plant Protection since 1983.
T.M.M. Al-Sweedi
Plant Protection Department, Agriculture College, University of Karbala, Iraq.
Email address of the corresponding author: [email protected]
Received: 8/9/2023; Accepted: 20/7/2024
The grape false spider mite, Tenuipalpus granati Sayed (Acariformes: Tenuipalpidae) is one of the significant pests on the grapevines in Iraq. This research aimed to construct and analyze two types of life tables for the different instars of this mite reared under different constant temperatures of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35±2°C with relative humidity 50-60±5%, and photoperiod (light:dark) of 16:8 hours. There are two types of life tables, age-specific life tables, known also as age-specific fecundity life tables, and the other is age-specific time life tables, The results obtained showed that the highest value of Ro was 20.35 at 30°C, and 1.5949 at 35°C for λ, 0.4668 for rm at 35°C. As for the values of T and DT, the relationship was inversely proportional with temperatures. The highest survival rate (Sx) for protonymph was 88.89 and 88.37% at 30 and 20°C, respectively. The highest survival rate of deutonymph was 91.67 and 88.46% at 30 and 15°C, respectively. The total number of live eggs (Tx) was 142.50, 207.50, 205.00, 365.00 and 297.50 eggs, and clearly decreased for adults to reach 11.50, 49.50, 50.50, 64.00 and 73.50 at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C, respectively.
Tenuipalpus granati, life table, fecundity, false red mite.