Author’s Guide for Manuscript Preparation
Researchers are required to send the original research manuscript, along with tables and figures, to the office of the Arab Society for Plant Protection (ASPP) via email at [email protected]. Microsoft Word should be used for both Arabic or English manuscripts (use Times New Roman font for English text and Simplified Arabic for Arabic text).
Each manuscript is reviewed simultaneously by three specialists. Other reviewers are consulted if necessary. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
Please refer to the ASPP’s subscription page and the publication fees for scientific articles in the Arab Journal of Plant Protection (AJPP) in local currencies of Arab countries.
Subscription Fees – Arab Journal of Plant Protection (
Authors are required to submit their articles in Arabic or English with an Arabic and English abstracts. Starting in 2020, 25% of the accepted articles can be written in English, if the Arab researche(s) prefer to do so.
The Journal accepts Review Articles (about 8,000 words), Regular Research Articles (3,000 to 6,000 words), Short Communications (no more than 2,500 words, including one table and/or one figure), and New Pest and Natural Enemies Record (no more than 1,000 words, including five references, but without tables or figures).
The first page should start with the title (no more than 100 characters and spaces), followed by the author(s) name(2) with the addresses, directly under the title, in both Arabic and English, along with the email address and WhatsApp number of the corresponding author. All manuscripts should contain the following sections:
Reference Example
Article in a Journal
Singh, D.P., C.A. Moore, A. Gilliland and J.P. Carr. 2004. Activation of multiple antiviral defense mechanisms by salicylic acid. Molecular Plant Pathology, 5(1):57–63.
Hymaydan, H.S. 1983. Impact of seed-borne pathogens on intranational and international movement of seeds. Phytopathology, 73:784 (Abstract).
Harrison, B.D. and A.F. Murant (eds.). 1996. The Plant Viruses: Polyhedral Virions and Bipartite RNA Genomes. Springer, Boston, MA, USA. 364 pp.
Chapter in a book
Dembilio, Ó. and J.A. Jaques. 2015. Biology and management of red palm weevil. Pp. 13–36. In: Sustainable Pest Management in Date Palm: Current Status and Emerging Challenges. W. Wakil, J.R. Faleiro and T.A. Miller (eds.). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland.
Makkouk, K.M. and S.G. Kumari. 1997. Etiology and control of soybean dwarf luteovirus affecting lentils (Lens culinaris) in Syria. Pp. 731-734. In: Proceedings of 10th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union. June 1-5, 1997, Montpellier-Lec Corum, France.
Mustafa, F.H. 1974. List of plant diseases in Iraq. Bulletin No. 74. Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq. 27 pp.
Dissertation or thesis
Alves, T.M. 2017. Spectral detection of soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and confounding insecticide effects in soybean. PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, USA. 77 pp.