Anbar University
Dr.(Prof.) Abdul-Sattar Arif. Ali
Born: Hit, Al – Anbar, September 21, 1947, Married, Three sons, six daughters
Sc. 1971, Plant Protection, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
1978/ M.Sc. , 1978 and Ph. D Entomology,(Biologiacal control)
University of Arizona, Tucson, USA. 1981 ( Prof. University of Baghdad, 2000).
– Scientific Researcher and Senior Scientific Researcherand Head of Plant Protection Unit, Agriculture and Water resources Center, Scientific Research Council. 1983 -1989 .
-Asst.Prof. Dept. of Biology Colle. of Education IBN Al-Hailthum,Univ.of Baghdad. 1993-1990
– Head of Department and Research Manager, Plant Protection (IPM), IPA Agriculture Rearch Center, 1994-2002
and Manger of the National Seed Potatoes Priject,IPA,1998-2003.
– IPM Expert (Entomology ), and Assisting Director, State Board for Agric. Res.,MOA.2003- 2005
– Prof./IPM. Plant Protection Department, College of Agriculture, Al – Anbar University, 2006 – 2012 .
– MEMBER : Steering committee. Improved livelihoods of small farmer through
integrated pest management and organic fertilization. IRAQ- ICARDA, IFAD PROJECT.2011- 2013 . .
– IPM Officer( consultant ) /HSAD- ICARDA-IRAQ (Harmonized Support for
Agriculture Development (HSAD) Project in Iraq ,(USAID Cooperative
Agreement No. AID-267-IO-12-0001). 2 013 – 2014
Chairman or Member- Several Scientific and technical committees of National and International projects related to IPM and plant protection in general (. Member or Team leader of Steering commitees ), Scientific promotion committees, MSc & PhD. Exams committees at the National Universities , Member of editorial board committee of several local journals and the Arabic journal of plant protection. Referee for many National and International Journals. Lecturer/Teaching, Bio. Control, Insect Pathology, IPM, Host Plant Resistant, Host – Parasites Interaction and some other subjects for Graduate Students , College of Agric. University of Baghdad and other instiutions in addition to many entomology subject for under graduate students in severals colleges and institutes
Supervisor: |(8 M.Sc. and 5 Ph.D.) Students. College of Agriculture , University of Baghdad and other institutions in the country.Contribution in many National and International Extention activities.
SENIOR or CO-AUTHOR for more than 130 scientific articles published in National and International Journals Authors or. Coauthor of books, Extension bulletin and papers.
Several National Awords`( Presidential Office, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of High Education ) and regional recognitions for scientific performance and other contributions in plant production and plant protection activities, (such as: ASPP).
Dr.(Prof).Abdul-Sattar Arif Ali
IPM Specialist (Entomology)
Email : [email protected]
mobile : 009647805287318