Basra University
- .Dr. Mohammed Amer Fayyadh .
Date of Birth:- 1/7/1955
place of Birth:- Basrah/Iraq
Scientific rank:- Prof in plant pathology
General specialty:- Plant Pathology
Precise specialization:- Phytopathogenic fungi , Biological control, Date palm diseases
a-Doctorate:-1997 College of Agriculture –University of Baghdad
b-Master:- 1986 College of Agriculture –University of Baghdad
Language skills:- Arabic and English
Published scientific papers:- 65
Published Books:- 1-(Plant Pathology –principle and advance-2018))2-:-Comprehensive Applied Encyclopedia of Plant Diseases2020 3:-Pest of date Palm -2022
Teaching Experience:-
Subject Stage
a-Mycology undergraduate
b-Plant Diseases undergraduate
c-Advance mycology Masters stage
d-Physiology plant pathology Masters and Doctoral stage
e-Epidemiology of plant Diseases Doctoral stage
Supervision of postgraduate:-
a-Master degree:- 45 b-Doctorate degree:- 8
E-Mail:-[email protected]
Gmail:-[email protected]
Mobil Number:-+9647801155940
Participated Conference:-
a-Out of Iraq:- 4 b-Inside Iraq:-10
worked as Head of Plant Protection Department for six years (two periods) 17- I participated several times in carrying out works to Control termites and rodents in residential compound and government factories.
I have experience in the field of isolation and identificatiom of fungi from soil, water and air.
I won first place for the Iraqi Science Day Award for the year 2022 (specializing in agricultural and veterinary literature)
Mohammed A.Fayyadh
Scientific sites:-