Directorate of Plant Health and Agricultural Inputs
Since 2023, Mohamed Habib BEN JAMÂA has been working as Executive Director of the Near East Plant Protection Organization (NEPPO). He is responsible of the management of the Organization. He ensures coordination among member countries of the region to develop and implement a regional strategy to control Transboundary Plant Pests and standards of plant protection. He coordinates international and regional cooperation to (i) support plant protection & enhance capabilities; (ii) Facilitate & encourage regional and international trade exchange; (iii) Prevent the entry & spread of pests; (iv) Pest control in appropriate ways. In 2017, Mr. BEN JAMÂA lead the General Directorate of Plant Health and Control of Agricultural Inputs (Tunisia) for 6 years and manages more than 10 projects. His main responsibilities include building programs on phytosanitary measures by controlling pests and diseases of main national crop systems production, monitoring the progress of quarantine pests, implement control programs and limit their spread and establishing strategies for sustainable management of Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases. He leads the Elaboration & Execution of National Strategies of Control of the Quarantine and Emerging Pests; the Study of the effects of pesticides on human health and the environment in Tunisia.
Mr. BEN JAMÂA is a Professor in Forest Entomology at the “Institut National de Recherches en Génie Rural, Eaux et Forêts” (INRGREF). He is experienced in Plant Health with more than 30 years of experience bringing forth valuable Ecology experience and a passion for Entomology. Mr. BEN JAMÂA is experienced in Pest Invasive Pest Species, methods of Monitoring and Integrated Control. He published more than 150 scientific papers and chapter in books, and supervised more than 30 theses and master’s degrees in pest and pest control and is a reviewer in various scientific journals.
Mr. BEN JAMÂA obtained his PhD in Plant Protection from the National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia (INAT) and Agricultural Engineering degree in Forest Entomology in 1992 from the Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Hassan II (Morocco) and the Engineer degree in 1989 from National Institute of Agronomy of Tunisia. He joined the INRGREF in 1992 as a Researcher in Forest Entomology was the Chief of the Laboratory of Management and Valorization of Forest Resources (INRGREF, Tunisia) for 15 years (from 2003 to 2017). During this period, he managed about 30 National and International projects in plant health, coordinates the research program, moderate workshop and meeting, and execute budget. He was a member of Member of committee of thesis/masters; Member of the university accreditation committee of researcher; and Member of committee of Recruitment and Promotion of Researcher.