- Variation among isolates of two viruses affecting lentils: their effect on yield and seed transmissibility.
S.G. Kumari, K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail (SYRIA)
Pages 81-85 - Factors of natural death of the forest caterpillar: Thaumetopoea pityocampa Schiff. (Lepidoptera: Thaumetopoeidae) at egg stage in Morocco.
M.L. Bem Jamaa, P. Graf and K. Bourarach (TUNISIA & MOROCCO)
Pages 86-90 - Studies on some host of modfly Ceratitis capitate Wied (Diptera: Tephritidae) in central highlands of Jordan
T.M. Mustafa and S. Abdel-Jabbar (Jordan)
Pages 91-95 - Effect of nitrogen and irrigation on the development of bunt disease in bread wheat
B. Nasraoui, A.D. Radhouani, T. Terashima and M. Ben Hammouda (TUNISIA)
Pages 96-97