Research Papers
- The distribution of pythium spp. In the soils of irrigated and nonirrigated fields of the west band of Jordan and Gaza strip
M.S. Ali-Shtayeh
Pages 1-7 - The ecological characteristics and natural death and biotic potential of the whitefly, Trialeurodes vapora-riorum (Westw.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
Pages 8-13 - Susceptibility of maize germplasm to infestation with the greater sugar-cane borer, Sesamia cretica Led. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 8- Evaluation of certain genetic structures selected by Maize Research Division
S.I. El-Sherif, F.F. Mostafa and O.O. Nagouly
Pages 14-18 - Susceptibility of maize germplasm to infestation with the greater sugar-cane borer, Sesamia cretica Led. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). 9- Evaluation of the genetic structure “Composite 2” from North-Delta, Middle-Delta, Middle-Delta and Middle Egypt regions, ARE
S.I. El-Sherif, F.F. Mostafa, F.E. El-Santil. A.A. Galal, A.H. Awad and SH.F. Aboel Saad
Pages 19-25
Second Arab Congress of Plant Protection, Damascus, Syria, March 24-27, 1986 / Papers presented at the Symposium
- Importance of ecological studies in plant virus research
L. Bos
Pages 70-75 - Plant quarantine as an important means for preventing the spread of new pests
J.A. Franklin
Pages 63-69 - The need for fruit crop sanitation programmers in the Near East region
M.M. Taher
Pages 52-62 - Abstracts of Symposium
Pages 26-51