- The Allopathic effects of plant residues on some weed plants
B.A. Al-Juboory and M.M. Ahmad (IRAQ)
Pages 3-11 - Survey of virus diseases of wild and cultivated legumes in the coastal region of Syria.
A.M. Mouhanna, K.M. Makkouk and I.D. Ismail (SYRIA)
Pages 12-19 - Diagnosis of boron deficiency and toxicity in broad bean (Vicia faba L.).
H. Al Mohammad (FRANCE)
Pages 20-25 - Population density of citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipentranson different citrus root-stocks under field condition of Libya.
K.H. Dabaj and E.A. Edongli (LIBYA)
Pages 26-29 - Crop rotation effects on population of porphyrophora tritici(Bodenheimer) (Homoptera: Margarodidae) in barley in northern Syria
R.H. Miller, H.C. Harris and M.J. Jones (USA & SYRIA)
Pages 75-79