- Beauveria bassiana Virulence of two Local Isolates of the Fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsmo) to the Pre-Pupae and Adults of the Olive Fruit fly Bactrocera oleae (Rossi)
A.F. El-Habib, D.H. Nammour and A.Y. Ali (SYRIA)
Pages 1-7 - Population Dynamics of the Phytophagous Mites’ Predators in Lemon Orchards in Lattakia Governorate, Syria
S. Korhayli, S., Z. Barbar and L. H. Aslan (SYRIA)
Pages 8-13
- Distribution of Honey and Pollen Forestry Trees Important to Honey Bee Along the Syrian Coast Using Geographic Information Systems
N.Y. Daher-Hjaij, R. Al-Mohamed, F. Al-Ghamaz, M.M. Al-Zoubi and M.S. Qrebsa (SYRIA)
Pages 14-20
- Association of Crop Production Practices on the Incidence of Wilt and Root Rot Diseases of Chickpea in the Sudan
O.E. Mohamed, S. Ahmed, M. Singh and N. Elmahi Ahmed (SUDAN, MOROCCO & JORDAN)
Pages 21-26
SYMPOSIA PAPERS Presented during 12th Arab Congress of Plant Protection held in Hurghada, Egypt, 5-9 November 2017
- Building Bridges between Disciplines for Sustainable Crop Protection
A. Muniappan and E.A. Heinrichs (USA)
Pages 32-36
- IPM to Control Soil-Borne Pests on Wheat and Sustainable Food Production
A.A. Dababat, G. Erginbas-Orakci, F. Toumi, H.-J. Braun, A. Morgounov and R.A. Sikora (TURKEY, SYRIA, MEXICO & GERMANY)
Pages 37-44
- Risk Analysis and its Impact on Prevention and Control Measures of Economic Important Pests
M. Ward and M. Suffert (FRANCE)
Pages 45-49
- Molecular Tools Developed for Disease Resistant Genes in Wheat, Barley, Lentil and Chickpea: A Review
A. Hamwieh, F. Alo, S. Ahmed (EGYPT & MOROCCO)
Pages 50-56
- Xylella fastidiosa and the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome in Southern Italy
G.P. Martelli (ITALY)
Pages 57-63
- Experience Gained from Efforts to Contain an Olive Decline in Southern Italy and Research Needs to Manage it in the Mediterranean Region
Thaer Yaseen (ITALY)
Pages 64-74
- Impact of Climate Change on Plant Diseases and IPM Strategies
Sahar Zayan (EGYPT)
Pages 75-79
- Impact of Climate Change Induced by Global Weather Engineering Technology of “Chemtrails” on Plant Protection
M.M.M. El-Husseini (EGYPT)
Pages 80-85