- Impact of Planting Date on Aphids Population and Associated Natural Enemies on Faba Bean Plants in Egypt.
A. El-Heneidy, G. Resk, A.M. Hekal and S. Abdel-Samad (EGYPT)
Pages 55-59 - Effect of land leveling on Chilo Agamemnon Blesz., Infestation in Sugar-Cane Fields of Middle Egypt
G.A. Karaman, A. Ghareb, A. Abdel-Naby and M. Embaby (EGYPT)
Pages 60-65 - Effect of Temperatures on Some Biological Characteristic of the Syria population of Trichogramma Principium Sugonyaev & Sorokina (Hym., Trichogrammatidae).
A. Babi and M. Al-Nabhan (SYRIA)
Pages 66-73 - Biological and Ecological Studies on the Pistachio Bark Beetle Hylesinus vestitus M.& R. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Under Field Condition in Syria.
M.S. Lababidi (SYRIA)
Pages 74-80 - Effect of Temperature on the Reproduction of the Black Bean Aphid Aphis fabae Scopli (Homoptera: Aphididae).
Pages 102-104
- Effect on Insect Growth Inhibitor Lufenuron (Match) on Ephestia cautella (Walk.) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) Under Laboratory Conditions.
I.J. Al-Jboory, F.M. Aziz and Q.K. Zoien (IRAQ)
Pages 81-85 - Chemical Control of Citrus Leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on Lemon in Jordan Valley.
T.M. Mustafa and M.A. Ateyyat (JORDAN)
Pages 86-89