Volume 6, Issue 2, December 1988
- The effect of certain varieties of wheat and barley on the biology of the laboratory reared first generation of Angoumois grain, Sitotroga cereallela Olivier (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae).
M.T. Mahdi and S.J.T. El-Najjar (IRAQ)
Pages 64-70 - Seasonal abundance of leaf rolling aphid, Dysaphis pyri (Boy.) (Homoptera: Aphididae), on apple and pear trees in orchard of the College of Agriculture and Forestry in Hammam Al-Alil.
N.M. Al-Mallah and M.A. Mohammad (IRAQ)
Pages 71-75 - Morphological and chemical study of different galls produced by gall wasps on oak trees in northern Iraq.
A.K.M. Mohammad, A.H. Amin, R. Al-Hamadani and B.A. Ahmad (IRAQ)
Pages 76-78 - Chemical control of damping-off and root rot fungi of tobacco plants.
K.H. Taha and A.J. Al-Zarari (IRAQ)
Pages 79-82 - Post-harvest fungal disease of some vegetables in Kuwait.
A.M. Abdel-Rahim (KUWAIT)
Pages 83-87 - Macrophomina (Charcoal) root rot of sesame in Syria.
M. Al-Ahmad and A. Saidawi (SYRIA)
Pages 88-93 - Chemical, physical and biological control of Pythiumaphanidermatum (Edson) Fitz
H.M. Al-Khafaji, M.M. Jarjees and K.K. Al-Hassan (IRAQ)
Pages 94-96 - Aphid transmission, distribution, and serotyping of barley yellow deaf virus (BYDV) in Syria.
J.S. Skaf, K.M. Makkouk, F.M. Azmeh and W.F. Al-Kassis (SYRIA)
Pages 97-105 - Comparison between effects of soil disinfestation methods on some pathogens of cucumber.
F.H. Al-Samarria, A.H. EL-Bahadli and F.A. Al-Rawi (IRAQ)
Pages 106-112 - Reinfestation of soil after different disinfestation treatments.
F.H. Al-Samarria, F.A. Al-Rawi and A.H. Al-Bahadli (IRAQ)
Pages 113-118 - Small grain cereals and dicotyledonous weed response to herbicides applied at two growth stages in Chaouia (semiarid zone of Morocco).
A. Tangi and D.L. Regehr (MOROCCO & USA)
Pages 119-124