- Verticillium wilt of olive and the effects of variety, age, of trees and other agricultural practices on disease development in middle and northern Syria
M. El Ahmad, M.N. Moselli and A. Doksi (SYRIA)
Pages 131-139 - Investigation on the behavior of benzimidazile fungicides in olive seedlings after soil treatment.
M.Z. Tawil, H. Hallak and M. Abdin (SYRIA)
Pages 140-147 - Chemical control of annual weeds grown with garlic crop in Hadramout, Republic of Yemen
. Kaithary (YEMEN)
Pages 148-154 - Evaluation and selection of cultivars and clones of the date palm for resistance to the Bayoud disease.
M. H. Sedra (MOROCCO)
Pages 155-160 - Pathogenicity of Septoria tritici blotch, Mycospherella graminicola, with inoculum from different origins of wheat.
M. El Naimi, and O.F. Mamluk (SYRIA)
Pages 161-165 - Barley yellow dwarf virus in Egypt: natural incidence, transmission and wild hosts
A.E. Aboul-Ata, J.C. Thouvenei, K.M. Makkouk, M.M. Satour (EGYPT & SYRIA)
Pages 226-231 - A preliminary study of the relationship between mixing corn varieties and the susceptibility to infestation with the corn stem borer, Sesamia cretica Led. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
K.M. El- Adel and R.F. El Jassany (IRAQ)
Pages 232-238 - Laboratory and field investigation on the effect of submission of the pupae of the cotton leaf-worm Spodoptera lottoralis (Boisd.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
S.I. El Sherif, and N. A.A. Bader (EGYPT)
Pages 239-245 - Preliminary observation on the abundance of some insect predators and spiders population in Alfalfa Medicago sativa L., fields in El-Jdieda region, Tripoli, Libya.
I.M. Nashnoush and A.K.A. Abdel-Salam (LIBYA)
Pages 246- 248