- Identification of diseases affecting pine seedlings and trees northern Syria and their potential casual agents.
M. Bellar and B. Bayaa (SYRIA)
Pages 58-65 - Effect of elevated temperature on the growth and reproduction of cowpea weevil Collosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and its use as a factor to reduce their damage on stored grains.
Huda Hallak (SYRIA)
Pages 66-72 - Laboratory evaluation of natural and commercial preparations of the entomopathogenic fungi and bacteria on leopard moth Zeuzera pyrina L., (Lepidoptera: Cossidae)
I. Nashnoush, M.M. Barakeh, W. Ismail and M. Maayouf (LIBYA)
Pages 73-76 - Resistance of barley stripe disease by mutation.
I.H. Abbas and M.N. Mouhi (IRAQ)
Pages 77-81 - A study on the abundance of some predator and spiders population in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.,) fields in El-Jedeida region, Tripoli, Libya.
I. Nashnoush and A.K. Abdel Salam (LIBYA)
Pages 82-85 - Evaluation of different ELISA procedures for the detection of pea seed borne mosaic potyvirus and broad bean stain comovirus in Lentil leaf extracts.
S.G. Kumari and K.M. Makkouk (SYRIA)
Pages 86-91 - The Russian Wheat Aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov) (Homoptera: Aphididae), and its natural enemies in northern Syria.
N. Rechmany, R.H. Miller, A.F. Traboulsi and L. Kfoury (LEBANON & SYRIA)
Pages 92-99