- Determination of Primary Sources of Infection of Septoria Leaf Blotch on Wheat in Syria.
H. Obaedo, O.F. Mamluk and B. Bayaa (SYRIA)
Pages 49-59 - A Study on Population Dynamics of Citrus Leaf Miner (Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton) and its Parasitoides.
N. Alkhateeb, A. Raie, K. Gazal, F. Shamseen and S. Kattab (SYRIA)
Pages 60-65
- Plant Nematodes Associated with Non-Crop Plants in Onayzah, Central Province of Saudi Arabia
F.A. Al-Yahya, S.A. Al-Hazmi and A.T. Abdul-Razig (SAUDI ARABIA)
Pages 77-83 - Survey of Insect Impact on Seed Cones of Two Species of Cupressaceae, Cupressus sempervirens L. and Tetraclinis articulata Mast. in Tunisia.
M.L. Ben Jamaa and A. Roques (TUNISIA & FRANCE)
Pages 107-112 - Survey of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Diseases in the Main Faba Bean-Growing Regions of Syria
C. Akem and M. Bellar (SYRIA)
Pages 113-116
- Abstracts Presented in the Regional Symposium on Damaging Diseases Affecting the Future of Fruit Tree Production in Lebanon and Neighboring Countries,
Beirut, Lebanon, 12 November, 1998
Pages 92-94 - Abstracts Presented in the Regional Symposium on Biological Control of Insect Pests of Agricultural Crops
Aleppo, Syria, October 24-28, 1999
Pages 95-106