- Effect of Soil Moisture Content and Thermal Treatment on the Activity of Bioagent Fungi Trichoderma harzianum Rifai and Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson on Some Tomato Plant Growth Parameters.
Z.A. Stephan, I. M. Jbara and F.A. Al-Rawi (IRAQ)
Pages 1-5 - Radiosensitivety and Induced Sexual Sterility of Corn Stem Borer, Sesamia cretica Led. Â (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera): 3 – Pupal Irradiation
H.F. Alrubeai. Th. M. Taha and M.A. Al-Rawy (IRAQ)
Pages 6-11 - Efficiency of Trissolcus spp. (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) as Egg Parasitoids of Eurygaster integriceps Puton (Hemiptera: Scutelleridae) in Iran
M. Amir-Maafi and B.L. Parker (IRAN & USA)
Pages 69-72
- The Physiological Races of Wheat Yellow Rust Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici Eriksand their Virulences in Syria and Lebanon.
M.S. Hakim and A. Yahyaoui (SYRIA)
Pages 12-18 - Induced Two Wheat Mutants Resistant to Common Bunt and Septoria leaf Blotch Diseases by Nuclear Techniques.
E.M. Al-Maaroof, I.F. Ibrahim, A.A. Al-Janabi and M.H. Hameed (IRAQ)
Pages 19-24
- Ecological and Biological Study on Grape Fruit Moth Lobesia botrana (Schiff.) (Tortricidae: Lepidoptera) in Ninavah Province, Iraq
N.M. Al-Mallah and H.M. Al-Badrani (IRAQ)
Pages 25-30 - Seed transmission of Cucumber mosaic virus and Alfalfa mosaic virus in lentil seeds
K.M. Makkouk and N. Attar (SYRIA)
Pages 49-52 - Development Contrivace of a Field Key to Evaluate Severity of Blast Rice Disease Infected by Magnaporthe grisea (Hebert) Barr
Z.K. Amran (IRAQ)
Pages 53-56
- Survey of Major Insect Pests of Wheat and Barley in Libya.
M. El Bouhssini. F. Bakkoush, M. Assol and I. Ghariani (SYRIA & LIBYA)
Pages 35-38 - Preliminary Survey of Economic Insects and their Insect Predators on Poplar Trees at Euphrates Region in Syria
A. Arab (SYRIA)
Pages 39-42 - Studies on the Sawfly Arge spp. (Hymenoptera: Argidae) on Rosaspp. in Syria
H.Z. Kawas (SYRIA)
Pages 43-45 - Preliminary Survey of the Predators of Pear Psylla, Cacopsylla bidens (Å ulc) (Psyllidae: Hemiptera) in Sweida, Syria
W. Almatni and J. Elabdulla (SYRIA)
Pages 46-48 - Some Coccinellid Scale and Aphid Predators (Coleoptera, Subfamily, Chilocorinae) Prevalent in North East, Khorasan Province of Iran.
Yaghmaee (IRAN)
Pages 60-62