- Preliminary study on the pistachio psyllid (Agonoscena targioniiLicht.) (Psyllidae: Homoptera) and its associated natural enemies in some regions of Syria.
M.S. Lababidi and C.P. Zebitz (SYRIA & GERMANY)
Pages 62-68 - The genus Cuscuts in Algeria.
N. Zerman and A.R. Saghir (ALGERIA & UAE)
Pages 69-75 - Occurrence and virulence of wheat rusts in Syria.
M. El-Naimi and O.F. Mamluk (SYRIA)
Pages 76-82 - Effect of black point of cereal grain and seed treatment on wheat root rot in Central Saudi Arabia.
A.A. Al-Rokibah and M.A. El-Meleigi (SAUDI ARABIA)
Pages 83-85 - Host reaction of some wheat cultivars with Puccinia reconditeRob ex Desm. In Iraq
E.M. Al-Maaroof, I.F. Ibrahim and A.A. Al-Janabi (IRAQ)
Pages 86-88 - Influence of soil mulching with sawdust and transparent polyethylene on growth and yield of Okra and weed control.
A.A. Bawazir, A.Kh. Rowaished, A.A. Bayounis and A.M. Al-Jounaid (YEMEN)
Pages 89-93 - Larval survival on wheat plants carrying resistance genes to Hessian fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) in Morocco.
M. El-Bouhssini, J.H. Hatchett and S. Lhaloui (MOROCCO & USA)
Pages 103-105