- Preliminary field observations on the ecology and biology of the apricot leaf aphid, Hyalopterus pruni G. (Homoptera: Aphididae) Mousel region-Iraq.
M.A. Mohamad and N.M. Al-Mallah (IRAQ)
Pages 1-5 - Chemical control of cotton damping off in Ninevah province, Iraq.
J.M. Ahmed and H.H. Ali (IRAQ)
Pages 6-11 - Survey of natural enemies of date palm pests in Libya.
A.A. Bitaw and A.A. Saad (LIBYA)
Pages 12-15 - Ecological studies on Poplar leaf psyllid (Camarotoscena speciosa Flor.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) in Mousl area.
Ismail N. Al-Maroof (IRAQ)
Pages 16-20 - On the biology of the strawberry mite Tetranychus turkestani Uga and Nik (Tetranychidae, Acariformes) and the susceptibility of three gladiolus cultivars to infestation under greenhouse conditions.
N.M. Al-Mallah and S.I. Abdallah (IRAQ)
Pages 21-24 - Some important insect pests of Kohlrabi and their possible role in dissemination of soft rot bacterium in Iraq.
G.A. Al-Janabi, G.D. Al-Azawi and K.M. Tamimi (IRAQ)
Pages 25-29 - A screening technique for resistance to vascular wilt of lentil.
B. Bayaa and W. Erskin (SYRIA)
Pages 30-33 - Effect of temperature and some media and biotic factors on the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis and its mode of seed transmission
W. Erskin, B. Bayaa and M. Dholli (SYRIA)
Pages 34-37 - Control of faba bean nematode by soil solarization in Syria.
J. Suaerborn, M.C. Saxena and H. Masri (SYRIA)
Pages 38-40 - Purification and serology of Moroccan isolate of barley yellow dwarf virus.
M. El-Yamani and J.H. Hill (MOROCCO & USA)
Pages 41-44
- Mycoplasma like organisms associated with Lactuca serriola L. phyllody in Iraq.
F.A. Al-Rawi, R.A. Al-Ani and M.M. Jergice (IRAQ)
Pages 45-48 - Chemical control of annual weeds in irrigated onion in Hadhramout valley during 1985/86 and 1986/87.
G.R. Al-Kothayri and A.A. Hassan (YEMEN)
Pages 49-54 - Blight of dodder (Cuscuta campestris Yunck.) caused by Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. and Geotrichum candidum Link ex Pres.
A.H. Fayad, K.M. Hameed and H.A. Al-Ani (IRAQ)
Pages 55-59