- The effect of certain synthetic pyrethroids in controlling the whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporiarum Westw.) resistant to organophosphates
A.H. Treifi
Pages 4-10 - The role of aphid natural enemies in regulating population densities of Toxoptera aurantii B.d.F. (Homoptera: Aphididae) on citrus trees in Lebanon
M.K. Hussein and N.S. Kawar
Pages 11-17 - Effects of a mineral oil spray on aphid transmission of zucchini yellow mosaic virus to cucumbers
K.M. Makkouk and R.E. Menassa
Pages 18-23 - Phytoseiid mites associated with apples in Lebanon (Phytoseiidae: Acari)
A. Bayan
Pages 24-32 - The residual distribution of organo-phosphorus insecticides in dates, potato, and cucumber crops
P.Khan, A. Barakat, A.M Abdul Karim and A.A. Wahdan
Pages 33-37