- Morphological and Biological Study of the Coccinellid Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), a Predator of Powdery Mildew
. Ahmad, G. Younes and N. Ali (SYRIA)
Pages 111-117 - The Effect of Pear Variety, Direction and Some Other Environmental Factors on Egg Laying of the Lace Pear Bugs Stephanitis pyri (F.) (Tingidae: Hemiptera).
N.M. Al-Mallah and A.K. Al-Obadi (IRAQ)
Pages 118-122 - A Study on the Biology and Incidence of Chaetoptelius vestitus(Mulsant & Rey) Infesting P istacia vera L . in the Central Highlands of Algeria
N. Chebouti-Meziou , S. E. Doumandji, Y. Chebouti and F.Z. Bissaad (ALGERIA)
Pages 123-126 - Effect of Soil Moisture, Manure and Phosphate Fertilization on the Epiphytotic Prediction of Tomato Crown and Root Rot Caused by Fusarium oxysporum
W.A. Hassan and K.H. Taha (IRAQ)
Pages 127-134 - Identification of the Seed Borne Fungi Associated with Some Leguminous Seeds and their Biological Control in Iraq
A.R.T. Sarhan ( IRAQ )
Pages 135-144
- Effect of Mycorrhizal Fungi on Disease Complex of Root–knot Nematode and Rhizoctonia solani on Eggplant Roots Under Lathhouse Conditions.
Z.A. Stephan, I.K. Al- Samerai, B.G. Antoon , H.B. Dawood and N.D. Salman (IRAQ)
Pages 145-151 - Chemical Control of two Orobanche species ( O. crenata and O. aegeptiaca ) which attack lentil crop in Syria . Bahaa El-rehban, Naeim Hussein and Ahmed Fadi Obeid.
B. Al-Rahban, N. Al-Hussein and A.F. Abied (SYRIA)
Pages 152-158
- The Effect of Trichomes Number and its Length of Some Pear Varieties on its Sensitivity Towards Infestation by the Pear Lace Bug.
N.M. Al-Mallah and A.K. Al-Obadi (IRAQ)
Pages 159-164 - Differentiation between Susceptible and Resistant Faba Bean, Lentil and Pea Genotypes to Bean yellow mosaic virus on the Basis of Virus Movement and Multiplication.
M. Alkhalaf, S.G. Kumari, A. Haj Kasem, K.M. Makkouk and S. Al-Chaabi (SYRIA)
Pages 165-173 - Susceptibility of Some Peach Rootstocks to RKN Meloidogyne javanica Infection.
M. Al-Qasim, K. Assas and W. Abu-Gharbieh (JORDAN & SYRIA)
Pages 174-178
- Definition and Distribution of the Bacterium Causing Spot Disease on Cane-Apple ( Arbutus pavarii Pampanini) in Jabel El-Akhdar Region, Libya .
A.M. Boubaker, A.M.Y. Alawami and O.M. Al-Sanusi (LIBYA)
Pages 179-187 - Beet western yellows virus (BWYV) in Syria
N.A. Asaad, S.G. Kumari, A.A. Haj- Kassem, S. Al-Shaabi and R.S. Malhotra (SYRIA)
Pages 188-198 - Occurrence and Distribution of Parasitc Nematodes Associated with Different Host Plants in Libya : A Review.
M.E. Ehwaeti (LIBYA)
Pages 199-209
Symposia Papers at the 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection held in Beirut , Lebanon , October 26-30, 2009
- Is Arab Region Prepared to deal with Genetically Modified Crops?
A.I. Al-Samarrie (UAE)
Pages 214-220 - Bt cotton and maize: Associated benefits and problems in the developing world.
R. Hillocks (UK)
Pages 221-225 - Surveillance, Information Sharing and Early Warning Systems for Transboundary Plant Pests Diseases: the FAO Experience.
K. Cressman and D. Hodson (ITALY)
Pages 226-232 - Teaching Plant Pathology and Disease and Pest Management for University Students: Some Considerations After Thirty Years of Experience .
M.L. Gullino (ITALY)
Pages 233-235 - Fruit Flies in the Mediterranean and Arab World: How Serious a Threat are they and How Can we Minimize their Impact
M. Lysandrou (GREECE)
Pages 236-239 - Innovations in the Control of Postharvest Diseases of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.
S.M. Sanzani, F. Nigro, M. Mari and A. Ippolito (ITALY)
Pages 240-244 - Recent Advances in Weed Management.
B. Abu Irmaileh (JORDAN)
Pages 245-250