- Major Soil-inhabiting predaceous arthropods (insects and Araneida) in different ecosysytems in western region if Saudi Arabia.
A.A. Faraj-Allah and M.O. Taher (SAUDI ARABIA)
Pages 3-8 - Screening of fungicides for control of early blight on tomato.
M.H. Abdel-Sattar and N.A. Kassem (YEMEN)
Pages 9-13 - Chemical control of Pythium debaryanum, the casual organism of damping-off in cucumber
A.M. Abdel-Rahim and A.A. Abu-Surrieh (KUWAIT)
Pages 14-18 - Seasonal abundance and population density of pine aphid, Eulachus rileyi W. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Hammam Al-Alil region.
I.N. Abdullah and M.A. Mohammad (IRAQ)
Pages 19-22 - Residues dissipation and degradation products of Ridomil (Metalaxyl) in the field and green house.
I.I. Yasery and K.M. Al-Adil (IRAQ)
Pages 23-26 - Studies in the yellowing disease of watermelon in Jizan
H.S. Abu Salil, Y.A. Abou Jawdeh, M.N. Mounawar and W.A. Shougaidef (SAUDI ARABIA)
Pages 27-31 - Ultrastructural changes in tomato phloem cells caused by curly top virus infestation
F.A. Al-Rawi and R.A. Al-Ani (IRAQ)
Pages 32-37 - Effect of Septoria tritici on the ultrastructure of leaf cells in susceptible and resistant wheat.
F.A. Al-Rawi, A.A. Al-Ammar and I.A. Al-Suhaily (IRAQ)
Pages 38-46 - Isolation and identification of potato virus Y from pepper plants in Libya.
O. El-Sanusi, M. Shagrun and J. Khalil (LIBYA)
Pages 47-51 - Isolation and identification of tomato mosaic virus from pepper plants in Libya
O. El-Sanusi, M. Shagrun and J. Khalil (LIBYA)
Pages 52-56 - Efficiency of certain insecticides against Muzus persica (Sulz.) under greenhouse condition
M.S. El- Zemiaty and H. El-Shaer (EGYPT)
Pages 57-60
- A study on the infestation of local and imported Faba bean cultivars with Aphis fabae Scopili
R.F. El-Jassani and K.M. El-Adel (IRAQ)
Pages 61-63 - Crown gall (Agrobacterium tumerfaciens) on peaches (Prunus persica) in Jordan.
A. Tahabsam (JORDAN)
Pages 64-65 - Incompatibility between root stock and scion of grapevine in Syria is possibly caused by a virus.
R. Aldaoud, M. El-Ahmad, B. Bayaa and K. Makkouk (SYRIA)
Pages 66-67