- Survey of Alfalfa diseases in the Ghouta of Damascus, Syria (1981, 1982, 1985, 1986)
M. Billar (SYRIA)
Pages 1-7 - A study of morphological forms of Sphacelotheca sorghi in Iraq
A.H. Mahmood (IRAQ)
Pages 8-15 - Resistance of some world barley collection to powdery mildew in Iraq
I.F. Ibrahim, A.A. Ali, I.M. Ghaleb and A.H. Mahmood (IRAQ)
Pages 16-22 - Biology of the fig leaf mite, Rhyncaphytoptus facifoliae (K.) (Acariformes: Rhyncaphytoptidae) and the testing efficacy of sampling technique used in ecological study.
N.M. Al-Mallah and M.A. Mohammad (IRAQ)
Pages 23-29 - Mites of plums in Lebanon. II. Fluctuations of their population density and abundance on plum trees in Baalbeck (Bekaa).
A. Bayan (LEBANON)
Pages 30-36 - The control of date-palm stem borer, Pseudophilus testaceus(Gahan) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) by the fungus Beauveria bassiana (Vuil).
H.K. Jassim, I. Abd Al-Hussein, I. Abd Al Ahad and A.S. Abdullah (IRAQ)
Pages 37-42 - Flight activities of the cotton leaf worm moth Spodoptera littoralis (Boids.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in cabbage and cauliflower fields using pheromone traps.
M.A. Ali (IRAQ)
Pages 43-45 - Bioassay of the relative toxicity of four insecticides on the cigarette beetle adults Lasioderma serricone F. (Coleoptera: Anobiidae).
A.Y. Ismail and R.A. Khaled (IRAQ)
Pages 46-51 - Preliminary results for evaluation the susceptibility of barley mutants to aphids in central Iraq.
T.R. Ahmad (IRAQ)
Pages 52-55 - Response of potato (Solanum tuberosum) and weeds to some herbicides
S.A. Habib, A.A. Al-Suonbil, K.W. Ibadi and I. George (IRAQ)
Pages 56-63 - Evaluation cereals for Aphid resistance in Egypt
RA. Elenin, S.A. Bishara, M.A. Hariri, G.S. Youssef, I.A. Moneim and R.H. Miller (EGYPT & SYRIA)
Pages 72-74
- Induction of resistance to dry rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum in potato tuber slices by sodium chloride and its relation to rishitin synthesis.
M. Hilmi and S. Barakat (EGYPT & ALGERIA)
Pages 64-66 - New record of barley leaf and spike twist disease caused by Dilophospora alopecuri (Fr.) Fr
A.K.M. Al-Taae, N.Y. Al-Talib and S.M. Nimer (IRAQ)
Pages 67-68 - Evaluation of resistance of certain rice cultivars at early growth stages to tungro virus disease
I.A. Mohammad (SUDAN)
Pages 69-71